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In the comfort zone to the career ladder.

What would you do if you did not have to work? Probably something on the beach and in the sun, with friends and family or amazing parties. Or maybe you also dream of experience unique nature and freedom of body and mind.


And when it gets boring at some point, there comes the desire for meaning, appreciation and personal development. These are the reasons why we work at Mediaopt and aim for the following visions:



Personal challenges

We want challenging tasks and find pleasure in achieving them. To successfully complete them gives us real joy.


Lifelong learning

Knowledge is increasing exponentially and society is changing rapidly. We want to shape the future and we are ready to learn constantly from each other.


Achieve excellence

Global competition determines the economy and existence of our client. In order to keep up, we want to work together to reach for excellence.


Claim to optimization

Best quality counts only as long something better was found. So we take the freedom to think twice and keep searching in order to find the best solutions.

Software Engineers and Product Owner

The work at Mediaopt is free from hierarchies and positional attitudes. Truth depends on the best idea and the one who takes responsibility. From project to project you can take on different responsibilities or keep your favorite one and improve it. We need colleagues who either address themselves and feel comfortable as Engineer or ProductOwner.


The tasks and competencies of the Software Engineers are various, so for example DevOpt Engineers or Frontend Developers are welcomed.


The Product Owner should have a core competence in either value maximization, user experience, requirements and quality management or communication with stakeholders. While pursuing the aspiration to push forward the other tasks as well.


No matter in what area you are active, at least from the senior level we expect you to be self-sufficient and advice your project partners, weather they are our customers or your own colleague.

Competitive compensation with perspective

We also consciously repeat here that we always agree with our individual and personal requirements in agreement with a fair and transparent approach. This includes e.g. also an industry-standard salary structure. We are guided by public salary reports and consider special achievements and promote the personal development.


The goal is for us to design Mediaopt together, thus leading our career ladder up to company participation and co-determination as a partner.

Application process

If you like our idea, you can now take the initiative and send us your application to We will read them carefully, discuss them internally and then contact you as soon as possible.


Every application is welcome, as long if it is written in German or English and contains a complete curriculum vitae as well as proof of your last studies or education. A clear plus is when you write us briefly, what is important to you? And what interests you about us?


And when we agree in a personal conversation to believe that we share a passion for intelligent systems and together have the desire to shape the future, then we are relatively flexible in the design of working conditions.
For example, e.g. The compatibility of work and family practice at Mediaopt
and this also includes equal opportunities for both parents.

Are you looking for professional colleagues? We are looking for
new colleagues.

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